Substitute For Maple Syrup


Substitute For Maple Syrup

Help, I need a replacement for maple syrup! No matter if you’re trying to avoid an extra trip to the grocery store or simply looking for a healthy alternative, a lot of options are available as a substitute for maple syrup. 

Below you will find a list of substitutes for maple syrup including the recommended uses, and substitute ratios we recommend. With so many options to choose from, there should be at least one to will fit your needs perfectly. 

maple syrup pouring

Maple Syrup Substitute

Maple syrup is a delicious natural sweetener that is used in all kinds of dishes, for baking, drinks, and even on top of pancakes. Perhaps you have run out of maple syrup and are wondering what you should do as a substitute. 

Never fear, we have your back. Below we have an entire list of substitutes for maple syrup, no matter how you are looking to use the syrup.

What is Maple Syrup Made Of?

Syrup comes from the sap of a sugar maple tree. The conditions for gathering sap from trees usually occur when your overnight temperatures are still below freezing, but your daytime temperatures are around 40°F or above. This allows the sap to begin flowing prevalently through the trees. 

In early springtime, you may begin to notice small hoses and buckets hanging from various trees as you drive around the northern countryside. This is what it looks like for the early process of gathering syrup from trees which will later be made into maple syrup. 

Most of the sugar maple sap is water, and contains a little bit of sugar. Once this app is collected from the trees it is then boiled to make a concentrated syrup. This results in the delicious sweetener we all know and love as maple syrup. 

Why You May Need a Substitute for Maple Syrup

There are many reasons why you may need a substitute for maple syrup. The reasons are endless but may include that you simply ran out of maple syrup, that maple syrup is too expensive to buy, or you are simply looking for a healthy alternative or replacement for maple syrup. 

Suitable Maple Syrup Substitutes 

As we look at the various substitute for maple syrup below keep in mind that some have better uses than others. For example, some super maple substitute syrups may be better used for baking whereas others are better used as a replacement for a pancake topping.

Now, let’s dive into all of the available maple syrup substitute options listed below from A to Z. Then, below we will outline our favorite substitute for maple syrup. 

syrup dripping

Best Maple Syrup Substitutes


Agave is another kind of plant that syrup and nectar are made from. This particular kind of plant is a succulent that grows in the desert. This plant can be used to make a sweet substitute that can be used instead of maple syrup. This is also a plant-based substitute. 

Agave Syrup

Also known as Agave Nectar, comes from the internal liquid of the agave plant. This is a sweet substance that can be made into a syrup and used as a sweetener in various kinds of dishes. Agave syrup can be used as a replacement for maple syrup. It has a similar texture, provides sweetness to the dish, and has a bit of a flowery flavor to it. You can use a 1:1 substitute ratio for this replacement. 

Barley Malt Syrup

Barley malt syrup is a whole grain sweetener that has a similar look and texture as molasses. This is another plant-based sweetener that can be used as a replacement for maple syrup. Barley malt syrup is also known as Malt Syrup. 

Barley malt syrup can now be found that most large grocery stores. Or it can be found in grocery stores specializing in organic or vegan-friendly foods. 

If you choose to use barley malt syrup as a substitute for maple syrup, I can be used for most recipe replacements. A good substitute ratio for this replacement is a 1:1 substitute ratio.  

Brown Rice Syrup

Brown rice syrup is another sweetener that can be used as a substitute for maple syrup. Brown rice syrup is made by breaking down brown rice and extracting the sweetness from it, then making it into a syrup. 

Brown rice syrup is another vegan-friendly and gluten-free option for a maple syrup replacement. Because of the fermentation process brown rice syrup goes through and they have a bit of a fermented flavor to it, otherwise, I can make a good replacement for maple syrup in most recipes. 

When substituting brown rice syrup for maple syrup you can use a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is another good replacement for maple syrup. Brown sugar is great because most people have it readily available in their kitchen, and it can be used on the fly. 

Brown sugar can be used as a replacement for maple syrup in most baking recipes, however, you would not want to use brown sugar as a maple syrup replacement for drizzling on top of pancakes, or in drinks. 

When using brown sugar as your replacement for maple syrup, you can use 1 cup of brown sugar for every ¾ cup of maple syrup. 

Brown Sugar Syrup

Brown sugar syrup is one of the best substitutes for maple syrup. Brown sugar syrup is made by mixing brown sugar and water in a saucepan and then hitting the sugar until it melts into the water. 

You will not want to bring the mixture to a boil, only allow the sugar to melt into the water. Remove the brown sugar syrup from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature before adding it to your recipe. 

Brown sugar syrup is a fantastic replacement for maple syrup anyway you wish to use it. When your brown sugar syrup is made, you can use a 1:1 substitute ratio for the brown sugar syrup to replace maple syrup. 

dripping syrup

Buttermilk Syrup

Buttermilk syrup is a delicious replacement for maple syrup as a drizzle on top of your pancakes or other breakfast foods. The buttermilk syrup can be purchased or made from scratch. 

To make this syrup you will need buttermilk, butter, baking soda, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract. These ingredients are simmered together and then cooled before drizzling on top of your breakfast. 

Cane Sugar

Cane sugar is a specific type of sugar made from sugarcane. This is unlike other sugar products that are made from multiple types of sugar.

Cane sugar makes a delicious topping on your breakfast foods or sprinkled on top of any kind of food. You can also try using cane sugar in your baked goods recipe as a replacement for maple syrup. 

When using cane sugar to replace maple syrup you can use a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Caramel Syrup

Caramel syrup is another less thought love replacement for maple syrup. Caramel syrup can be used as a substitute for maple syrup in most baked goods recipes, drink recipes, or even as a drizzle on top of food. 

Please note that this substitute may slightly alter the overall flavor of your recipe to have a hint of caramel rather than maple. 

Caramel syrup can be made from scratch or picked up at your local grocery store. A good substitute ratio for caramel syrup replacing maple syrup is a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Chocolate Ice Cream Syrup

Chocolate syrup is another substitute you can use to replace maple syrup. Chocolate syrup can be used for any recipe as a replacement; however, you may want to choose carefully which recipes you use this replacement for maple syrup as it will add a chocolate flavor rather than a slight hint of maple. 

A good substitute ratio for this replacement is a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Coconut Butter

Coconut butter comes from the meaty part of a coconut. It is a healthy replacement for maple syrup when you want to use it as a topping for things such as pancakes or waffles. 

Because you’re adding this substitute to things like pancakes you will want to determine how much you use as a substitute for yourself. There are no specific measurement conversions that you have to follow for this substitute. 

Syrup dripping on waffle

Coconut Nectar

Coconut nectar, also known as coconut syrup, has a similar appearance and taste as maple syrup. This nectar comes from the flowers of coconut and can be used as a replacement for maple syrup. 

You can pick up coconut nectar at your local grocery store in most cases. We recommend a substitute ratio of 1:1 when using coconut nectar as your substitute for maple syrup. 

Coconut Sugar

Not sugar is not the same as coconut nectar or coconut syrup. Coconut sugar is often easier to find in a local grocery store and can be used as a replacement for maple syrup as well. 

When substituting coconut sugar for maple syrup, we recommend a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is another common syrup sweetener that can be used easily as a replacement for maple syrup. If you do a lot of baking, then you probably already have it in your pantry. 

This sweetener is made from high fructose corn syrup and as you may have guessed is made from corn. Corn syrup’s most common brand is Karo syrup, which you may also know it as. 

Corn syrup is not recommended as a replacement for maple syrup on things like pancakes or waffles, but it may be used easily as a replacement for maple syrup in all baked good recipes, and even drink recipes. When using this as a replacement, we suggest using a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Dark Syrup

Darks syrup is usually a Scandinavian dark syrup made using brown cane sugar syrup. You can also find dark syrup in the dark corn syrup or Karo syrup as well. 

Both of these options are sweeteners that can be used to replace maple syrup. We recommend using a 1:1 substitute ratio for the dark syrup to replace maple syrup. 

drizzle of syrup

Date Syrup

Date syrup is another healthy alternative to maple syrup. It is used by taking the natural sweetener from dates and liquefying it in water. 

You can find date syrup online or at most larger grocery stores. When using date syrup as a replacement for maple syrup, you can use a 1:1 substitute ratio. 

Fruit Syrup

Syrups are another ingredient you can use as a replacement for maple syrup particularly as a drizzle on top of your breakfast foods. Fruit syrup is made out of fruit, and sweetener. 

You can make your own fruit syrup from scratch, or you can purchase it from your local grocery store. 

Because fruit syrup is recommended to be used only as a drizzle on top of food as a substitute for maple syrup, you can use as much fruit syrup as you wish, there is no particular measurement conversion for fruit syrup from maple syrup. 

Golden Monkfruit + Water

Golden monkfruit is said to come from the juice of tropical melons primarily grown in Asia. Golden monk fruit is usually found in a powder, and is said to have many health benefits to it. 

By mixing a bit of golden Monk fruit powder with water, you can have a decent replacement for maple syrup. 

How much golden monkfruit you add to the water depends on how sweet you want your substitute to be. A little bit of the Monk fruit powder tends to go a long way, so start with less than you think, then add more if you want it sweeter. 


Honey is perhaps the best substitute for maple syrup there is. Honey of course is made by bees and is quite healthy for you. You can pick up honey from your local beekeeper, or grocery store.

Honey can be used in drinks, baked goods, or any other recipe as a replacement for maple syrup. Honey can also be drizzled on top of food just like maple syrup if desired. 

When using honey as a substitute for maple syrup, a good replacement ratio is 1:1 for honey. 

Honey Dripping

Imitation Maple Flavoring

Tatian flavoring Canada used to replace the maple syrup taste that you would otherwise get. Imitation maple flavoring typically comes in a powder and will need to be added to water. When you mix the two together, you come up with a good substitute for maple syrup. 

When you decide to use imitation maple flavoring as your substitute for maple syrup, first check your package and see if there are any instructions on the package for mixing it up. If there are, follow the instructions. However, if there are no instructions, you can try mixing 2/3 cup of imitation maple flavoring with 1/3 cup of water as a replacement for one cup of maple syrup. 

Keto maple syrup (as a healthy substitute for maple syrup)

Keto maple syrup can be found in different brands, that make sugar-free maple syrup. If you are on a keto diet, then you may want to look for this specific kind of maple syrup as a substitute. 

You can use keto maple syrup for making granola or other baked goods, and you can also use it as a drizzle on your pancakes or waffles. We recommend using a substitute ratio of 1:1 for keto maple syrup.

Maple Extract

Maple extract can be a good substitute for maple syrup when you are simply looking for the flavoring of maple syrup rather than as a sweetener or drizzle. 

If you are in the process of baking something, I need a replacement for maple syrup, check to see if you have maple extract which will also give you a slight maple flavoring. 

If you choose to use maple extract, it’s a good idea to mix it with something like corn syrup or honey. By simply adding ¼ teaspoon of maple extract to one cup of corn syrup or honey you get a good 1:1 replacement ratio for maple syrup. 

Maple Sugar

Maple sugar is also made from the sap of a Maple tree. It comes in sugar form like granulated sugar, and it’s sweet but also has the flavor of maple. 

Using maple sugar as a substitute for maple syrup is great when it comes to baked goods, as this makes the perfect sweetener. You can pick up some maple sugar at most chain grocery stores. 

A good substitute ratio for maple sugar to maple syrup is ½ cup maple sugar to one cup maple syrup. 


Molasses is another sweetener that can be used as a good replacement for maple syrup. Molasses has its own flavor to it, so it will not replace the maple syrup flavor, but it will work well as a sweetener for almost any recipe. 

Molasses can be found in dark and light molasses and can be picked up at almost any grocery store. Molasses makes a great replacement for maple syrup when you run out. 

Molasses works best as a substitute for maple syrup in baked goods, but it may also be used as a replacement for maple syrup in other ways as well. 

A good substitute ratio for molasses is a 1:1 substitute ratio for maple syrup. 

Maple Syrup

Nut Butter

Nut butter like peanut butter or other types of nut butter can also work as a replacement for maple syrup in some recipes. 

Specifically, nut butter works as a good replacement for maple syrup as a topping for pancakes, French toast, or waffles. Simply drizzle some melted not butter on top. 

Pancake Syrup

Pancake syrup is often thought of as the most obvious replacement for maple sample as a pancake topping or topping for waffles or French toast. However, most pancake serves are made using corn syrup water and other artificial flavors added together to make pancake syrup. 

Although pancake syrup can be used as a maple syrup substitute, you may not want to use it as a substitute for everything, as it is lacking and maple syrup flavor. 

Pancake syrup of course can be used as a pancake, waffle, or French toast topping, but you may want to seek an alternative for maple syrup substitutes in baking or drink recipes.

Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is another sweetener that you can use as a substitute for maple syrup. Of course, it is lacking the maple flavor, but it will add sweetness to your recipe. For details on how to make simple syrup, click here.

Simple syrup is not thick enough to use as a topping replacement for maple syrup but it may be used in a drink or baking recipes. 

We recommend using 1 1/3 cup of simple syrup to replace 1 cup maple syrup. 


Sorghum can be found in a syrup form that is a good replacement for maple syrup. Sorghum syrup has a similar look, taste, and makeup to light molasses or brown rice syrup. Sorghum syrup is made from sorghum cane and is a sweet syrup. 

You choose to use sorghum syrup as your substitute for maple syrup, a good substitution ratio is 1:1. 


While Stevia is not our personal favorite substitute for maple syrup, it is an artificial sweetener that you can use in place of maple syrup if desired. The good thing about Stevia is that it is relatively available at most grocery stores and is sugar free.

You can begin with a 1:1 substitute ratio for Stevia but you may need to add more Stevia if you want it to be sweeter.  


Sugar can be a substitute for maple syrup as well. White or brown sugar can be made into syrup and used as a good substitute for maple syrup. 

To make white or brown sugar syrup simply add ½ cup of brown sugar or granulated sugar to a saucepan with ½ cup of water. Allow the mixture to warm until your sugar is dissolved but your mixture should not boil. 

When sugar is dissolved remove the saucepan from your heat. Allow the mixture to cool before adding it to your recipe.

No matter if you are choosing to make white sugar syrup or brown sugar syrup for your substitute for maple syrup, you can use a 1:1 substitute ratio for the syrup once it is made. 

stacked pancakes with syrup

White Rice Syrup

Rice syrup, like brown rice syrup, is made from the natural sweetener of fermented white rice. It is a sweet syrup that can be used as a substitute for maple syrup. 

You can pick up white rice syrup from your local grocery store, or buy it online. White rice syrup is a plant-based substitute. 

If you choose to use this replacement for maple syrup, we recommend a substitute ratio of 1:1.

Yacon Syrup

Yacon syrup is made from the roots of a Yacon plant. It is a natural sweetening syrup that you can use as a substitute for maple syrup. 

Yacon syrup is believed to have many health benefits that it provides and has a similar sweet flavor and consistency to maple syrup. 

You can use this substitute for baked goods, and drinks, or you can even try it as a drizzle on top of your breakfast. 

We recommend using a substitute ratio of one to 1:1 for yacon syrup. 

Homemade Maple Syrup

Of course, there is always the option to make your own homemade maple syrup as a substitute for maple syrup.  This is a good option for a substitute if you want to take the time to make your own. To make homemade maple syrup you need water, white sugar, brown sugar, and maple extract. 

How to Make Homemade Maple Syrup

In a medium saucepan combine ½ cup water, ½ cup granulated sugar, and ½ cup brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a low simmer over medium heat and allow to simmer for approximately three minutes.

Add in ½ tablespoon maple extract and simmer for one additional minute. Remove from heat and allow to cool before adding to your recipe. 

Maple Syrup Substitute Chart

Maple Syrup Conversion Chart

Substitute for Maple Extract

Hey perhaps you’re out of maple extract as well, so there are a few substitutes that you can use for maple extract if needed. Below is a list of ideas that will help you on the fly. Please note that some of these may change the flavor of your recipe if they do not contain maple.

Almond extract

Maple butter

Maple candy

Almond extract

Vanilla extract instead of maple extract

Rum Extract

Maple coffee creamer

Double dip french toast. photo by cookthink

Maple Syrup Substitute: Best Alternatives

You might be saying all right so out of all of the options listed above what is the best substitute for maple syrup? The best substitutes for maple syrup are honey, especially for pancakes or baking but can also be used in drinks. Brown sugar syrup or white sugar syrup, both of these can be used as a drizzle on pancakes, in baking, or in drinks. And finally, homemade maple syrup is another fantastic substitute for maple syrup. 

Below we have outlined a few of the best substitutes for maple syrup specifically for baking, followed by the best substitute for maple syrup on pancakes and other breakfast foods. 

Substitute for Maple Syrup in Baking


White or Brown Sugar Syrup


Homemade Maple Syrup

What To Substitute For Maple Syrup – Pancakes and Other Breakfast Goodies

Powdered Sugar



Fresh Berries

Whipped Cream


Homemade Compote

Caramel Sauce

Blueberry Syrup

Peanut Butter


Fresh Fruit

Whipped Cream and Rainbow Sprinkles


Can I use brown sugar instead of maple syrup?

Yes, you can use brown sugar as a replacement for maple syrup in most recipes. 

How do you substitute maple syrup for baking?

There are several options outlined above that can be used as maple syrup substitutes for baking. The main thing to consider when selecting a replacement for maple syrup and baked goods is if flavor will impact your dish or not.

If it’s not a big deal then you can choose any of the substitutes outlined above. Some great substitutes for baking especially our honey, white or brown sugar syrup, molasses, or homemade maple syrup. 

What maple syrup alternatives are vegan?

Some good plant-based maple syrup alternatives that are vegan include barley malt syrup, brown rice syrup, coconut syrup, and date syrup. All of these are natural sweeteners that are plant-based. 

What alternative for maple syrup can be used in a marinade?

Honey is the best alternative for maple syrup that can be used in a marinade. However, you can also use brown sugar syrup or homemade maple syrup in marinade recipes. 

Delicious pancakes topped with berries

Maple Syrup Alternatives

There are many alternatives to maple syrup, and many reasons you may be looking for a replacement. Check out the list above for details, and then select which substitute will work best for your recipe. 

Substitutes for Maple Syrup

There are a ton of substitute options for maple syrup. As outlined above we have listed many options for you to choose from. No matter if you simply ran out of maple syrup, or are looking for an alternative for other reasons, there are plenty of options for everyone, and there is bound to be at least one that will fit your need.

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Faith Has been cooking and baking for many years! she loves to share her recipes with the world, and hopes you will enjoy them too!

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