A cold glass of milk with a fresh batch of cookies, or chilled milk to top off your bowl of cereal are two delicious things. But, how long can milk sit out?
There are safety standards that you can go by to know whether your milk that’s been left out is safe.

For the sake of this post, when we refer to milk, we’re referring to plain old cow’s milk that you can buy in the gallon or half gallon jug at the grocery store, unless we’ve specified otherwise.
Milk should not be left out at room temperature for more than two hours. And if the room temperature is at 90F degrees or higher, milk is considered spoiled if left out for 1 hour.
What temperature is safe for milk?
What temperature should milk be kept at? First, let’s establish the safe temperature for storing milk. Milk should be stored at 40F degrees or below for safety reasons.
This will help you maximize the shelf life for your milk and so that it doesn’t spoil as quickly.
What is the best way to store milk?
The best way to store milk for fresh use is in the refrigerator at a temperature that is 40F degrees or cooler. This will help to prolong its life for use and keep it from spoiling at a faster rate.
Milk can also be frozen if desired. We’ll get to more details on that below.
Where to store milk in the refrigerator?
The best place to store milk in the refrigerator is in the interior of the refrigerator, near the bottom. This is thought to be the coldest place in the fridge.
Storing milk on a door allows it to get a warm draft of air every time the door is open. Resist from storing milk on the refrigerator door if possible.
How to store milk?
The best ways to store milk are in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Do not leave milk at room temperature for long. Room temperature milk will spoil.
If possible, make milk the last thing you select at the store, removing it from the grocery refrigerator and adding it to your cart.
Also, we recommend transporting milk from the grocery store to your home with an ice pack and cooler, especially during the warmer months.
How long can milk be out of the fridge?
According to the USDA, milk should not be left out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours. If milk is left out for more than 2 hours, it should not be consumed and should be thrown away.

How to tell if milk is going bad
How do you know milk is bad? The best way to tell if milk is going bad is to use your senses.
Appearance. If the milk appears green in color or has chunks in it which means it has curdled, the milk has soured and should be thrown away.
Smell. If you’re not sure if the milk is still good, remove the lid and take a big sniff. If the milk smells strange and has a sour odor, it has spoiled and should be thrown away.
Taste. Finally, if you’ve taken a small taste of the milk and it tastes off, or sour, or spoiled, then it probably is. Don’t consume it, rather throw it away.
How Do You Know If Milk Has Gone Bad? Look at it, smell it, and if necessary taste it. Once of those indicators will be off and you’ll know without a doubt that the milk has gone bad.
Should you let your family members drink 2-hour old milk?
A good rule of thumb is if you’re in doubt, then throw it out. The guideline is to not consume milk that has been left out for more than two hours and the time is shortened to one hour if the room temperature is more than 90F degrees.
What are the dangers of drinking bad milk?
If you simply have a sip of bad milk, it’s possible that your body won’t react at all. But if you consume a substantial amount of bad milk, you might experience and upset stomach, headache, or fever. These can be signs of food poisoning.
The symptoms of consuming bad milk can be more severe for children than adults because adults typically have a stronger immune system.
Is shelf life the same for all types of milk?
No, shelf life for milk varies depending on the type of milk. In this post, our main focus is on fresh, refrigerated cow’s milk.
However, there are many kinds of milk in addition that are animal based and plant based, including goat’s milk, buffalo milk, soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, almond milk, oat milk, and pantry staples such as dried milk, evaporated milk, condensed milk.
How long can unopened milk sit out?
Fresh cow’s milk should not sit out for more than two hours, regardless of whether it’s opened or unopened.
When left out at room temperature, bacteria can grow more rapidly and increases the risk of making you sick if consumed. Throw it away if it’s left out.
How long does milk last after it is opened?
The length of time that milk will last after it’s opened varies depending on where the milk is stored as well as how fresh it is.
Milk that is stored in a refrigerator that is 40F degrees or less can last as long as 7-10 days past the use by date.
How long does organic milk last?
When organic milk is properly refrigerated at 40F degrees or colder, it should have a shelf life of 40 to 60 days unopened.
All milk that has been opened should be consumed in 7-10 days from the time that it’s opened.
Why does organic milk last for so long?
Organic milk typically undergoes ultra-pasteurization which means that it undergoes a rapid heat treatment of 280F degrees for 2 seconds. The process kills more bacteria, therefore extending its expiration date.

How long can raw milk last in the refrigerator?
You can expect fresh raw milk that is stored in a refrigerator to last approximately 7-14 days. If your raw milk shows signs that it could be soured, throw it away.
Is there any milk that can last for more than a month?
Organic milk that has been processed by ultra-pasteurization, which involves a rapid heat treatment, can last for up to 60 days. This type of milk is also known as UHT milk.
How long can breast milk sit out?
How long can breast milk sit out before being refrigerated? If properly sealed, breast milk can sit out at room temperature for up to four hours, according to the USDA.
It should be stored in the refrigerator to lengthen shelf life.
How long can you leave whole milk in the cup of a toddler?
If the child is not actively drinking the milk, place it in the refrigerator to prolong its shelf life and for food safety reasons. Milk should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours.
If it is left out for longer than two hours, throw it away. Don’t risk illness because of soured milk.
How long does milk stay fresh in the freezer?
You can freeze milk for up to 6 weeks, without compromising freshness and flavor. The best way to freeze milk is by placing it unopened in its original packaging in the freezer before its expiration date.
How long does milk last in the fridge?
If your milk has been stored properly in the refrigerator all along the way, a good estimate as to how long your milk will last in the refrigerator is using the best by date or expiration date and add up to 7-10 days past that date.
Refrigerated milk shelf life is an estimate.
Can milk sit out for 3 hours?
If milk has been left out for 3 hours, it should not be consumed and should be thrown away. The longest amount of time milk can be left out is 2 hours.
Is it safe to drink milk that was left out overnight?
Is it safe to drink milk left out overnight? No, it’s not safe to drink milk that was left out overnight. Milk that has been left out overnight has the risk of making you sick if it’s consumed.
Has it gone bad? Milk that’s left out overnight is considered bad milk. It has had the opportunity to grow harmful bacteria and should be thrown away instead.
What are the risks of drinking milk left out overnight?
Milk that is left out overnight can make you sick and should be thrown away. If consumed, it can cause food poisoning and symptoms such as an upset stomach, fever and more.

Does milk need to be refrigerated?
Yes, milk needs to be refrigerated at a temperature of 40F degrees or less, to keep it safe to drink and to maximize its shelf life.
Does pasteurized milk need to be refrigerated?
Yes, in the United States even if your milk is pasteurized it still needs to be refrigerated.
The exception to this rule would be shelf-stable milk. It is the only milk that doesn’t have to be refrigerated until it is opened.
Does sealed milk need to be refrigerated?
Yes, in the United States, sealed cow’s milk should still be refrigerated. It needs to be kept at or under 40F degrees to keep it from going bad.
How long does it take for milk to spoil?
How long it takes for milk to spoil depends on what the temperature is as well as the conditions where it’s stored. Milk that is stored in the refrigerator should last until its expiration date, plus about a week to 10 days.
Milk that is stored at room temperature will spoil in about two hours. And milk that is stored at a temperature greater than 90F degrees will spoil in about one hour. Spoiled milk should be discarded and not consumed.
How long can shelf-stable milk stay out?
What’s different about the milk you see sitting at room temperature on the grocery store shelves? Milk sitting on the shelves in grocery stores is considered shelf-stable milk.
As long as it’s unopened, shelf-stable milk will usually last about 6 months. It has been specially processed and specially pasteurized using UHT, ultra high temperature pasteurization.
Once shelf-stable milk has been opened, it should be kept in the refrigerator and used within 10 days.
Why is milk in Europe not refrigerated?
You might have noticed that milk in Europe is stored completely outside the refrigerator regardless of whether it’s been opened or not.
The reason is that Europeans rely on totally different pasteurization method which allows milk to be stored at room temperature without it going bad. Their milk also has a greater length of shelf life.
How long does milk last?
The length of time that milk lasts depends on the location where it is stored and how it was processed. Generally, a jug of cow’s milk will last up to expiration date, plus up to 10 days if stored in the refrigerator at or below 40F degrees.
How long does milk last after the sell-by date?
Milk can last up to 7-10 days past the sell-by date if stored at or below 40F degrees.
How does milk go bad?
Milk goes bad because like any food it is perishable. Meaning eventually, it will begin to rot and spoil. Signs that your milk has gone bad include a sour or spoiled smell or flavor.
It can also curdle or have chunks in it. Depending how far it is down the path of spoiling, it might appear green in color.
Does milk spoil faster after opening?
Yes, it can. Once your milk has been opened, you’ll want to use it in 7-10 days.
How long does it take for milk to spoil unrefrigerated?
How long it takes for milk to spoil when it’s unrefrigerated depends on the circumstances. If milk has been left out for an hour and the air temperature is at or more than 90F degrees, the milk should be considered spoiled.
If the milk has been sitting out at room temperature for two hours or more, the milk is considered spoiled. Even if it doesn’t show visible signs of being spoiled, the milk should still be discarded.
How long can almond milk sit out?
According to the USDA, almond milk should not sit out more than two hours. This applies to both refrigerated almond milk or shelf stable milk after it’s been opened. If it has been at room temperature for more than two hours, it should not be consumed and should be thrown away.

How long can milk sit out at 50 degrees?
Two hours. Milk can only sit out at 50 degrees for up to two hours. After that it is considered spoiled and should not be consumed.
How long will milk last at 45 degrees?
Two hours. Milk that has been out at a room temperature of 45 degrees is considered spoiled at two hours. Throw it away.
Will milk spoil at 60 degrees?
Yes, if milk has been out at a room temperature of 60 degrees it is considered spoiled once it has sat out for two hours.
What to do if I accidentally left the milk out overnight?
What happens if you accidentally leave milk out overnight? Everyone gets busy and it’s possible that you realized you forgot to put the milk back in the refrigerator before going to bed last night. And as a result, it stayed out at room temperature overnight.
If this is the case, the milk needs to be thrown away. It is considered bad milk.
How long does it take for milk to spoil if left out?
Two hours. How Long Does Milk Last If Not Refrigerated? After milk sits at room temperature for two hours, it’s considered spoiled whether it shows physical signs of being spoiled.
If the room temperature is 90F degrees or more, it only takes one hour for it to spoil.
How long does it take for milk to get to room temperature?
There are several variables that will determine how long it takes for milk to get to room temperature if left out. Those factors are how warm the milk was when it was sat out as well as how warm the air temperature of the room is.
What to do if you’re not sure how long the milk has been left out? Is there a way to tell if it’s still safe to use?
If in doubt, throw it out. If you’re not exactly sure how long the milk has been left out, you should throw it away and not take any risk.
Should ultra-pasteurized milk also be discarded, if left out overnight?
Yes, ultra-pasteurized milk should be thrown away if left out longer than two hours or overnight.
Is almond milk consumable if left out overnight?
No, almond milk that needs to be refrigerated or shelf stable almond milk that has been left out more than two hours is no longer consumable.
How long can boiled milk be left out?
Does cooking milk make it last longer? Raw milk that has been boiled can be left out for up to 4 hours. Pasteurized milk that has been boiled can be left at room temperature for up to 7 hours.
How do you store boiled milk without refrigeration?
Milk without refrigeration can be stored in an ice filled cooler or thermos. It can also be placed in the freezer or in pre-frozen containers.
What should you do if milk is left out too long?
Throw it away. Don’t consume milk that is left out too long.
How long can milk be in the car for?
The same is true for milk in the car. If the air temperature is at or below 40F degrees, your milk should be fine. But if the temperature is higher and the milk is stored there for two hours, your milk will be considered spoiled.
If the temperature is 90F or higher, the milk is bad after one hour.
Does milk go bad if you lose power?
Just like milk can go bad if not refrigerated, it can also go bad if you lose power. However, it ultimately depends on the situation and how the milk is stored while the power is out.
If you expect your power to be out for a length of time, you can move the milk to an ice filled cooler to keep it fresh.
Or buying dry ice to keep your milk cool can also be a good idea. Your goal should be to keep the milk at or below 40F degrees to keep it from spoiling. If this is not possible, throw it away.
Tips to keep your milk fresh as long as possible
Following are some helpful tips to keep your milk fresh as long as possible.
Choose last. When buying groceries at the grocery store, wait and pull the milk from the refrigerator last, after you’ve selected all of your other items. That way it won’t have to be out at room temperature for long.
Temperature. Milk should be kept at 40F degrees or less in the refrigerator. This will help to prolong its shelf life and keep it from spoiling.
Location. The best place to store your milk is in the internal portion of the refrigerator, near the bottom. This is considered the coldest place in the refrigerator and is good for maximizing milk’s shelf life.
Pasteurization. Choose milk that has been pasteurized to prolong its shelf life. Raw milk doesn’t last nearly as long.
Frequently Asked Questions
Following are frequently asked questions that relate to how long can milk sit out? If you have a question that’s not answered here, feel free to drop it to us in the comments box.
When transporting milk from the grocery store, what are the general guidelines for the best results?
As a general rule, we recommend using an insulated cooler with ice packs, to allow the best quality and prevent sour milk. This is especially true when there are higher temperatures outside in the summertime and it’s a hot day.
If you don’t have ice packs, you can also empty ice cubes from an ice cube tray into a hard plastic container or a freezer bag. Plastic bags work well as an impromptu solution for a self-made ice pack.
How can I know for sure that milk has spoiled?
The first way you will know that your fresh milk and other dairy products show signs of spoilage when the date on the carton of milk as passed. Your milk has expired at this point and won’t be good for much longer.
Another thing you can look for is a distinct sour smell. Go ahead and give it a good sniff. If it’s not past the time frame of the printed date on the milk carton, food safety experts suggest that it could be growing spoilage bacteria and has likely soured.
The growth of bacteria can cause serious illness such as foodborne illnesses in perishable foods, so if you ever doubt its freshness throw it away instead. Don’t risk eating it.
Also, if your traditional milk has become chunky in texture, this can also be a first sign that your milk in the back of the refrigerator is no longer safe to drink.
What is the best way to store leftover milk?
The best way to store leftover milk is in a sealed container. If you purchase milk in a milk jug, just simply placing the lid back on its original container, using that as a storage container is one of the most effective ways to store milk products.
Put it in the refrigerator where it will stay nice and cool and will increase and maximize long-life milk.
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The smell of bad milk is one of the best ways to know that it’s spoiled.