At a quick glance, some might think that Tahini Vs Sesame Paste are interchangeable. However, in many cases, one tiny little differentiating factor is what determines the significant difference between the two. Here’s the difference: Tahini is made from raw sesame seeds, but sesame paste is made from roasted or toasted sesame seeds. The difference might seem minor, but the impact on flavor is significant as well as the ways they are used in cooking.
What is Tahini
Would you like to find out more about tahini and how to make it from home rather than buying expensive jars of it at the store? Tahini is a gluten free and vegan condiment that is used in a variety of dishes. It is especially used in the Mediterranean and Middle East. The concoction is light brown in color and has a pourable texture like a sauce. The flavor is often described as being rich, nutty and sometimes slightly bitter.
Homemade Tahini is quite easy to make and tastes better than buying it at the store any day. You only need 3 ingredients for the recipe: sesame seeds, oil and salt. To make tahini at home, just toast the sesame seeds very lightly on the stovetop, stirring constantly for about 3 minutes. You do not want to allow them to turn brown. Next, add them to the food processor and process them until they form a paste. Add a bit of oil and process again until the contents reach a pourable consistency. Add a pinch of salt and mix.

Ways To Use Tahini In Cooking
1. Hummus. The most well-known way to use tahini is in making hummus, by blending it with chickpeas and then adding flavor such as garlic, lemon juice or roasted peppers.
2. Salad Dressing. Tahini can be used in a variety of salad dressings. One of our favorite ways is combined with olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice for a savory salad dressing.
3. Desserts. Swirl tahini into batter for desserts such as cakes, brownies and more to include added nutrients. Or mix with maple syrup to make a sweet dip for pastries such as doughnuts.
4. Tahini Sauce. Mix tahini with yogurt, parsley, garlic and lemon juice to make a tahini sauce.
5. Sandwich Topper. Tahini goes great on burgers or any sandwich to give it an added extra flavor.
Can Tahini Spoil?
Yes, homemade tahini can spoil after a while, just like any other food item that is not pumped with preservatives. But foods not pumped with preservatives are typically more healthy options. However, if kept in the refrigerator it should last for up to a month before spoiling.
What is Sesame Paste?
Sesame paste is similar to tahini in that it is made from sesame seeds. But, the big differentiating factor is that the sesame seeds are toasted until browned before making the paste, which results in a significantly different flavor and outcome. Sesame paste originated and is more widely used in the Chinese culture. Because the sesame seeds are toasted, the outcome is a saucy paste that is darker in color, nuttier and significantly stronger in flavor than tahini.

Ways To Use Sesame Paste In Cooking
1. Try it as dip. Instead of reaching for the bottle of ranch dressing next time, try changing it up and use sesame paste to dip your raw vegetables.
2. Use it as dressing. Use it as a salad dressing to top off your healthy choices.
3. Spread it on toast. Folks describe sesame paste as being similar in texture and flavor to peanut butter. So, why not try spreading it on toast.
4. Stir it into soup. Since it has a similar consistency to peanut butter and can be stirred into soups such as carrot soup to add a bit of thickening.
5. Serve it on noodles. Make an extra-large batch because storing it in the fridge only helps to emulsify the flavors.
Can Sesame Paste Spoil?
The short answer is yes. It will eventually spoil. If you’ve purchased it from the store, there is a chance it could have some preservatives to help extend its life. However, homemade sesame paste can generally be kept in the refrigerator for up to a month.
Sesame Seed Nutrition And Benefits
There are many perceived nutritional and health benefits of sesame seeds. Some of those benefits include:
added digestive benefits
increased metabolic function
heart health
managed effects of diabetes
improved bone health
cancer prevention
reduced inflammation and hypertension
facilitates hair and skin care
If you have access to sesame seeds and a food processor, we recommend making your own tahini or sesame paste. Not only is it more economical to do so, but it is also a healthier option for the outcome of the product. You will find it has a deeper superior taste.
How do you like to use tahini or sesame paste? Please share your thoughts about Tahini Vs. Sesame Paste with us.
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